13 Mewing Mistakes That Can Hurt and Cause Pain & Discomfort

Read this article to avoid common mewing mistakes that can lead to undesirable effects.
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13 Mewing Mistakes That Can Hurt and Cause Pain & Discomfort
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Many people think mewing is more complicated than it is. However, if you do it incorrectly, you might look worse than you did before. Here is a look at some of the mewing mistakes that you must avoid while mewing to get the best out of your efforts to look better.

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Mewing Mistake #1: Inconsistency

The number one mistake most people make is not mewing enough throughout the day. It is vital to set a reminder to help you keep the correct tongue posture. Remember, you are building a new habit, and you might easily slip up on your old ones when you forget.

Mewing consistently is the secret to getting noticeable results. Most people fail to achieve their ideal results because they do not mew consistently and do not always default to the mewing posture when going about their day.

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Mewing Mistake #2: Cutting Off Airway

Many beginners have trouble breathing while mewing. When you push your tongue upwards and backward you will likely cut off your airway. 

correct mewing tongue posture

When mewing always place your tongue where it touches the palate when you say the ‘’ng’’ sound. Also, remember your tongue does not need to touch the uvula if it does you are pushing your tongue too far back.

Read: mouth breathing ruined my face

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Mewing Mistake #3: Not Engaging the Back Third of the Tongue

While mewing, many people make the mistake of having the only tip of the tongue rest on the palate and not the back of the tongue. You need to ensure that the whole of your tongue rests on the palate to achieve the best results from mewing.

When you only rest the tip of the tongue on the palate, it ends up resting against the front teeth, and this is something we do not want.

Mewing Mistake #4: Touching and Pushing Your Front Teeth with Your Tongue

If you do this for long, you will push your front teeth outward, which will give you "buck teeth,' and in some cases, you will have gaps between your teeth.

The tongue should not reach the front teeth.

Read: how to stop tongue thrusting and underbite vs overbite

Mewing Mistake #5: Not Maintaining a Lip Seal

Even when not mewing, you should always breathe through your nose. Always ensure that your lips are sealed when mewing. 

Mewing Mistake #6: Grinding Your Teeth Can Lead to Teeth Hurt

When mewing, maintain light contact between the teeth. Do not break the teeth against each other, and avoid grinding the teeth against each other.

Excessive teeth grinding can result in a worse face aesthetic due to masseter hypertrophy and teeth damage as well.

Mewing Mistake #7: Poor Body Posture

poor body posture leads to poor tongue posture

Mewing not only needs you to work on the tongue posture but your body posture as well. An excellent body posture starts from your feet through to your head. If you have hunched shoulders or an anterior pelvic tilt, your head will automatically point downwards. You will compensate for this by gazing upward to see at eye level rather than looking at the ground.

When you have a forward head posture, it is impossible to keep the back third of the tongue at the roof of the mouth because it is being stretched out. If you want to fix your body posture, you can start by doing the McKenzie chin tucks and paying attention to your whole body posture while mewing.

Forward head posture can also lead to changes in perception of the eye shape, changing it from the hunter eyes to prey eyes.

Mewing Mistake #8: Applying Too Much Force

One of the main reasons some people get negative mewing results is applying too much force on one side of the palate. When you apply too much force, you might have facial asymmetry, meaning that one side of your face might look different from the other. The tongue might have a dominant side and if you apply too much force the pressure might only be applied to one side of your face hence the asymmetry.

Too much force can enhance a double chin (why do i have a double chin when im skinny). Mewing is a double-edged sword, so if done incorrectly, it can make your chin bulge more, which is the opposite of what you want to achieve. You should apply the force with your tongue only on your palate and not any other part of your mouth.

Mewing mistake #9: Not engaging the Hyoid Muscles

The hyoid muscles help your tongue make contact with the upper palate. If you find it hard getting to the back third of your tongue up to your palate, your hyoid muscles might not be as strong as they should be.

Your hyoid muscles and the free-floating hyoid bone are connected at your tongue's base and aid in the movement of the tongue. When you push your tongue forward and upwards, your hyoid muscles should push upwards and backward. 

When performing the correct mewing technique, your hyoid muscles should tuck themselves naturally and improve the submental region's appearance.

If you want to contract your hyoid muscles, you will need to engage your neck muscles around the hyoid bone so that it can move upwards.

Mewing mistake #10: Not Applying Pressure Evenly

While mewing, it is essential to maximize the tongue's surface area on the roof of the mouth. Many people have small palates, so it will be hard to miss the full palate's surface area. You need to ensure that the tongue is hitting close to your molars and just behind the front teeth on the incisive papilla.

Avoid only applying pressure on the middle of the palate for ideal mewing results.

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Mewing Mistake #11: Thinking About Mewing as an Exercise and Not a Normal Everyday Posture

Mewing is not an exercise. Most people get it wrong and think of mewing as they think of a workout. Mewing, on the other hand, is every day every hour posture.

Similar to a good back posture. You should always maintain a good posture, and so should your tongue. Mewing is simply a way of life. It would be best to continue doing it even when you get your desired results. Once you learn how to correctly mew, you should never stop doing it.

Mewing Mistake #12: Incorrect Suction Hold

It would be best to maintain a proper suction hold to mew properly. Here are the steps to follow:

  1.  Place your tongue in the normal mewing posture with your back straight, lips sealed with the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
  2.  After that, spit will begin to form, gather it in one spot
  3. Then roll the spit down the esophagus (food pipe) without using your face muscles
  4. Repeat this process until enough pressure builds up between the hard palate and tongue

You do not want to create the suction effect on the entire mouth but between the tongue and the hard palate.

Mewing Mistake #13: Swallowing Incorrectly

When you swallow food properly, you help push your palate, giving you hollow cheeks. To ensure that you swallow your food properly, you need to roll your food up in a ball with your tongue and not your cheeks. 

Watch these videos by Dr.Mike Mew about proper swallowing: 

Mew Push Swallow by Dr Mike Mew Part 1

Mew Push Swallow by Dr Mike Mew Part 2

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How to Mew Properly: Step by step guide

Here is how to mew properly:

  1.  Say “king” and hold your tongue in the position where you pronounce the “ng” sound
  2. Place tip of the tongue right behind the front teeth without touching them
  3. Seal your lips and maintain nasal breathing
  4. Gently close your jaw, teeth should be touching, but without force
  5. Practice consistently
proper tongue posture

Effects of Mewing Mistakes and Improper Tongue Posture

Here are some effects of mewing incorrectly:

Lack of result

Perhaps the most likely outcome of doing the mewing technique incorrectly is the simple absence of the expected results. 

Jaw pain

While mewing, poor tongue posture often leads to too much pressure on the teeth and too many teeth clenching, leading to jaw pain.

Increasing gaps between teeth

If you push your front teeth with your tongue, it can eventually lead to gaps between your teeth.

Increased asymmetry

Improper technique can lead to the appearance or enlargement of facial asymmetries.

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD)

Improper technique can result in damage to the temporomandibular joint and the development of temporomandibular disorder (TMD)

TMJ disorders - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Bigger Buccinators

These are thin muscles located between the mandible and the maxilla. Improper mewing can increase their size which can cause swallowing and jaw problems.

Weaker Submental Area

Mewing aims to strengthen your tongue posture, so improper tongue posture can affect the fascial space between the head and the neck, making it weak rather than strengthening it.

Mewing Side Effects

Mewing can help you fix a weak jawline, but it can come with its side effects. Some of the effects include:

Psychological distress

When some people start mewing, they become obsessed with their looks and start finding imperfections in their faces and, in most cases, exaggerate the problem. When you overthink your looks, you will be discouraged since you expect to see results every day.

Keep in mind mewing is a sprouting plant. When looking at it, you will never see it grow, but it doesn't mean it's not growing, you just need to be patient, and you will eventually see the results.


Your mouth is not used to the new tongue position, so you might experience some soreness when you just start mewing. It is absolutely normal, just like you feel a muscle soreness after your first time at the gym. After one or two weeks, your tongue muscles will strengthen and the soreness will go away. 


It is common to experience headaches when you start mewing. We recommend you start with soft mewing for the first three months and only later consider hard mewing.

Moving Teeth

By expanding the palate there is more space in the dental arch and your teeth can align. Movement of the teeth may be followed by painful sensations, but since the movement is slow and over short distances it usually does not cause any problems.

As a reminder, if you need dental treatment, have a severe crowding or other irregularities, you should consult a specialist.


Mewing gives you a beautiful facial aesthetic but only when done correctly. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that you mew correctly to achieve the best results.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Wambui Njuguna
August 1, 2023