Can You Do Mewing with Braces, or Avoid It? [Complete Guide]

In this article, we take a closer look at how to do mewing with certain types of braces.
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Certified specialist with 5 years of extensive dental and orthodontic experience
Can You Do Mewing with Braces, or Avoid It? [Complete Guide]
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If you're here, it's likely because you're interested in sculpting your jawline and achieving a flawless smile like many others who are into mewing. Every day, we get to see a number of before and after mewing transformations that add to the credibility of the mewing tongue posture. 

Considering how effective mewing is for your facial harmony, you might want to continue mewing to straighten your teeth and chisel your jawline, even with braces. However, there are certain things you need to consider before you plan to start mewing with braces. 

If you have recently had dental braces to fix your smile and are wondering how you can mew with braces, we have got you covered. 

You will learn about:

  • If mewing with braces work
  • Steps to do mewing with braces
  • Types of braces that work the best with mewing
  • Experts advice – if you can mew with braces
  • Tips to do mewing with braces

Let’s begin with your most pressing concern. 

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Can You Do Mewing with Braces, and Does it Even Work?

Yes, you can mew with braces – as long as you’re wearing the right braces compatible with mewing.

Mewing with braces can work if your braces move your teeth forward and don't stop you from keeping your tongue in the right place in your mouth. 

But it's important to know that how well this works can be different for each person. Some people might get the best benefits out of the mewing and braces combination. And, some don’t. 

Remember, doing mewing basics like swallowing correctly, having your tongue in the right spot, and closing your mouth is really important. Usually, braces won't get in the way of this. Just be cautious not to do mewing if your braces are making your upper teeth go backward. This could go against what the braces are supposed to do.

Is Mewing More Effective without Braces?

Let’s begin with what mewing is. "Mewing" refers to a technique that involves proper tongue posture to potentially improve facial harmony, teeth, and jawline development. It involves placing the tongue against the roof of the mouth while keeping the lips sealed and breathing through the nose. 

Whether mewing is more effective with or without braces depends on your specific circumstances. The two approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive and can potentially complement each other. 

Mewing can offer more comfort compared to wearing braces. However, Dr. Mike Mew's philosophy suggests that whether you're mewing with or without braces, it's unlikely to significantly change your results. What matters most is staying consistent with your tongue posture.

Dr. Mew emphasizes that achieving excellent mewing outcomes is about using the right technique, which applies regardless of whether you have braces.

How Can You Mew with Braces?

Now that you know how mewing works with braces, you must understand how important mewing tongue posture is.

mewing with braces

Once you adopt the proper mewing technique, it’s recommended to mew throughout the day, similar to how you'd work on improving your posture. 

Over time, a proper tongue posture becomes a natural habit, offering multiple amazing benefits to your teeth, face, and jaw.

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7 Steps to Do Mewing with Braces Effectively

Step 1: Close your mouth and seal your lips together.

Step 2: Gently touch your teeth together in a natural position, make sure you don’t force them together or grind them. 

Step 3: Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth (palate) lightly, ensuring the tip isn't touching your front teeth.

Step 4: Spread tongue pressure evenly across your palate, covering its entirety.

Step 5: Notice the pressure sensations throughout your head, but make sure it doesn’t hurt you. 

Step 6: Keep your airway unobstructed and stay mindful of comfort levels.

Step 7: While you’re at it, make sure you breathe through your nose. Repeat this process as per your comfort level throughout the day.

For more detailed guidance on how to mew properly, explore our Free Mewing App video tutorials. You will see how remarkable results are totally achievable by consistently practicing mewing at home.

Mewing with Braces – Before and After Results

Mewing with braces can go hand in hand once master the mewing technique properly. 

Take a look at the photos below to witness the impressive outcomes achieved by mewing practitioners. These individuals have achieved remarkable teeth and jawline improvements by consistently practicing proper tongue posture and facial muscle exercises, even while wearing braces.

Mewing with braces: before and after 
Mewing with braces: before and after 

However, it’s important to note that the results might not be exact for everyone. That is exactly why you need to know what types of braces are perfectly compatible with mewing.

Let’s get into its details. 

What Types of Braces Work with Mewing, and Which Don’t?

Before you start expecting unrealistic results of mewing with braces, it’s better you know which braces go well with mewing. 

Metal Braces

Possibility of Working with Mewing: YES

Metal braces are widely used and comprise metal brackets and wires that gradually shift teeth into their desired alignment. While they are budget-friendly, it's worth noting that they might not be aesthetically pleasing and can present difficulties when it comes to cleaning.

Before you mew with metal braces, make sure your tongue doesn’t get in the way.

Self-Ligating Braces

Possibility of Working with Mewing: YES

Similar to metal braces, self-ligating braces utilize clips rather than elastics to secure the wires in position.

These braces might potentially reduce treatment duration and necessitate fewer trips to the dentist; however, they do tend to be pricier compared to conventional braces.

Ceramic Braces

Possibility of Working with Mewing: YES

Ceramic braces feature brackets and wires that blend seamlessly with the wearer's teeth, rendering them to be less visible.

They can speed up the treatment process similar to metal braces, but it's important to note that they come at a higher cost and are susceptible to staining.


Possibility of Working with Mewing: YES

Invisalign braces are frequently regarded as the least obtrusive option. Consequently, they should not pose issues for those mewing with braces. 

However, it's essential to gauge your personal mewing potential by assessing if your tongue touches your palate comfortably. If there's no hindrance, mewing while wearing Invisalign braces should not be problematic.

Lingual Braces

Possibility of Working with Mewing: NO

Lingual braces are affixed to the rear of the teeth, rendering them invisible when you smile.

Nonetheless, they are pricier, potentially less comfortable, and might not be suitable for addressing significant dental concerns.

We do not suggest you mew with lingual braces, as it can be difficult for both your progress and comfort.

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So, Should You Be Mewing with Braces? Here’s What the Experts Say

Following proper tongue posture and swallowing techniques are some of the commendable practices that you can do, with or without braces. 

Dr. Mike Mew and numerous other dentists and orthodontists in the field emphasize that while mewing is a great practice that can be performed anywhere, it must be executed with precision and responsibility.

Can Mewing Replace Braces?

What's particularly appealing about mewing or Orthotropics is its accessibility – you can begin practicing it immediately without any additional cost, requiring only a few minutes each day.

When mewing is done correctly, it can serve as a valuable complement to your ongoing dental or orthodontic treatment. That is why we do not recommend completely replacing your braces with mewing.

Whether mewing can replace braces or serve as a complementary practice largely depends on an individual's specific dental needs. Mild cases of dental misalignment or those seeking facial aesthetics improvement might explore mewing. Yet, it's essential to consult with a qualified orthodontist or dentist to determine if you can replace braces with mewing. 

Can Mewing Be Bad for Your Braces?

Mewing won’t be bad for your braces as long as you’re following correct mewing techniques. You can apply the same case for mewing with retainers

Failure to follow the correct procedure, which includes maintaining proper tongue posture on the palate and consistent facial muscle exercises, can have adverse effects on your braces treatment.

That's why we encourage you to strictly follow our step-by-step guide and prioritize sufficient rest intervals for the ongoing care of your teeth.

Should You Wait To Take Your Braces Off Before You Start Mewing?

The decision of when to start mewing, whether it's during or after your braces treatment, is a personal one that you must make.

From our perspective, mewing is a safe practice even while wearing braces, and the potential results are compelling. If you can mew effectively without any interference from your braces, and you're following the proper technique, there's no reason to put off your mewing practice until after your braces are removed.

Tips for How to Do Mewing with Braces

Generally, mewing is quite manageable even with braces. As with anyone starting mewing, the primary challenge lies in your commitment to the practice.

Here is how you can swiftly continue your mewing process with ease:

Consulting With Your Dentist: The first step is to have a discussion with your dentist to identify your specific dental issues. This will help you determine the most appropriate approach to practicing mewing while having braces. 

Practice and Adjustment: While braces may present some adjustment, they should not pose significant obstacles to mewing. However, it’s advisable to stop mewing if your braces are causing discomfort. To mew effectively, you'll need to become accustomed to the sensation of having braces.

Consistent Effort: Braces don't alter the fact that mewing requires consistent and dedicated effort to give you the desired results. Like others who practice mewing, you'll need to invest time and persistence until it becomes second nature. You might want to know how long you should mew a day to see results. 

Conclusion – Can I Keep Mewing with Braces? 

Mewing has several oral and aesthetic benefits that one can’t simply resist. From jawline sharpening to proper teeth alignment, mewing is the most natural approach to get your desired facial profile. 

As we discussed earlier, it’s possible to mew with braces. However, you wouldn't want to invest in braces to enhance your dental alignment, only to have mewing potentially interfere with the process.

While mewing and braces can be compatible and even mutually beneficial, it's essential to recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

What really matters is why you're getting braces and what dental problems you have. You need to know these factors before deciding to mew with braces.

Do you feel like having more insights about mewing and braces, or any relative subject of your concern?

At Mewing App, we've dedicated space of golden information that not only matches the expert insights of Mike Mew but is also simple to understand and practice, no matter where you are.

Feel free to begin with our mewing guide!

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
September 4, 2023