What is Mewing: What Does Mewing Mean [Meaning & Definitions]

What is mewing? It’s simply a proper tongue posture technique to change your jawline’s shape. Learn how mewing works and how to do mewing properly here.
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What is Mewing: What Does Mewing Mean [Meaning & Definitions]
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Just as cardio exercises can improve your heart health and push-ups do wonders for those desirable, hot-looking 6 pecs, can you try a certain workout to sculpt your jawline?

Well, to a possibly great extent – Yes, you can!

You can do so with a holistic proper tongue posture technique, called mewing. 

For those wondering “what is mewing”, “what does mewing do”, and “how to mew correctly”, our mewing guide will give you a solid start!

Mewing Meaning

Before we unfold the history of mewing, let’s have a quick look at “What does mewing mean”. 

Mewing is a DIY jaw-strengthening technique that revolves around proper tongue posture. To achieve a proper oral posture, you need to keep your tongue against the roof of your mouth, behind the upper teeth while keeping the lips closed and constantly breathing through the nose.

The most desired goals of mewing include:

  • Strengthening your jaw,
  • Sculpting your jawline, 
  • Improving teeth alignment, and
  • Creating a more attractive face structure. 

Besides being a promising facial restructuring technique, mewing has its roots in Orthotropics – a practice focused on correcting facial and dental development through specific exercises and techniques.

The purpose of mewing is to counteract the negative effects caused by:

  • Mouth breathing (resulting in a mouth-breather face
  • Consuming soft foods, and 
  • Improper tongue posture. 

To achieve the desired results, it is important to maintain the correct tongue position as much as possible.

Many active mewers confirm the efficiency of this tongue placement practice through their impressive before and after mewing photos. This completely hints towards the fact that mewing isn’t just a fad. 

Proper tongue placement has long been recommended by orthodontists as a means to improve the jawline, address speech impediments, enhance nasal breathing, and alleviate jaw pain.

If you’re serious about restoring your facial symmetry and transforming your jawline with mewing, this article has got you covered. 

We’ll address:

  • Mewing’s Relation with Orthotropics and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT)
  • How mewing works
  • How effective mewing is
  • A step-by-step guide to mew properly 
  • Certain common mistakes to avoid while mewing
  • Aesthetic and health benefits of mewing, 
  • How long should you mew a day, and more.

Let’s get right into it!

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Get rid of a double chin and get an attractive jawline with a daily mewing workout

Mewing and Orthotropics

Mewing and orthotropics go hand in hand, with mewing being a more popular term for the orthotropic technique.

Dentists have been practicing Orthotropics for a long time – with an aim to maintain proper facial and dental development to prevent relapses after orthodontic treatments like braces. 

Mewing, a slang name for Orthotropics, revolves around the correct tongue posture against the palate in achieving not only a beautiful face but also good oral health. 

Both approaches highlight the significance of tongue posture and its impact on facial development and long-term orthodontic outcomes. 

Remember, it's valuable to seek guidance from experienced dental professionals who specialize in Orthotropics to gain the results you desire – all safe and sound.

How is Mewing Related to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT)?

Just as with Orthotropics, mewing traces its origins back to the principles of OMT. This strongly speaks of the effectiveness of mewing.

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is closely related to mewing, as mewing can be considered a slang term for techniques that have been utilized in OMT for a long time. 

OMT is a specialized therapy that aims to address orofacial muscle imbalances and improper oral habits with the help of targeted exercises and techniques.

The OMT exercises focus on:

OMT has long been recognized and utilized by healthcare professionals, such as speech-language pathologists and orofacial myologists, to address orofacial concerns and promote symmetrical facial development. Mewing, although recently popularized online, aligns with the principles of OMT.

For the best results, it's recommended to seek guidance from a healthcare professional who specializes in Myofunctional Therapy. 

Where Does Mewing Come From? 

British orthodontist Dr. John Mew developed mewing in the 1970s, challenging the orthodontic norms. Despite criticism, he successfully introduced "orthotropics," emphasizing the role of correct tongue posture in facial growth. Observing limitations of traditional orthodontics, he researched in Germany to refine his technique, culminating in mewing. 

His son, Dr. Mike Mew, continues this work at the London School of Facial Orthotropics. Mewing, which repositions the tongue to facilitate harmonious coexistence of all teeth, garnered global attention in 2019 for its remarkable results.

Is Mewing Really Effective?

When it comes to evaluating the effectiveness of mewing, you can check a great number of the personal experiences shared by individuals who have practiced mewing regularly.

Is Mewing Really Effective?
Mewing Testimonials

Through their own words and photographic evidence, you will get an idea about the transformative potential of mewing.

But what does the research say about mewing's effectiveness? 

Well, a number of studies focusing on tongue position, a key aspect of mewing, have provided intriguing evidence. 

Here are the two notable research findings:

  • In one peer-reviewed study involving 33 participants, it was observed that when the tongue was placed against the roof of the mouth during mewing, the activity of the right temporalis muscle increased significantly compared to baseline or when the tongue was at rest on the floor of the mouth. This study included 28 women, indicating that mewing can yield positive results across both genders.
  • Another research study discovered that the facial skeleton tends to undergo expansion over time. While there are typically differences between males and females in terms of jaw size and orbital rims (the area around the eyes) as well as the pyriform aperture, both genders experience vertical changes in the height of the facial skeleton.

This ground-breaking research pretty much confirms mewing as an effective way to fix facial asymmetry, thus giving you a sculpted jawline. 

Does Mewing Work?

Like other esteeming health practices and ideas, it takes time for science to officially give its verdict.

However, what we can clearly see with mewing is –  this tongue posture and proper nasal breathing practice actually brought positive results among its practitioners. 

Mewing actually does work once you master the correct tongue position and practice nasal breathing over mouth breathing consistently.

But here's the reality check: mewing is not some overnight magic trick. It's a gentle and natural approach that comes with its own boundaries. So, let's keep our expectations in check. While mewing can work wonders, it's not going to perform instant miracles or fix issues that require specialized medical attention

What Does Mewing Do?

Now, let’s get into more details about what mewing does to your jawline and overall facial symmetry, and oral health. 

What Mewing Does
What Mewing Does

Mewing, a non-invasive and natural alternative to surgery, focuses on correct tongue posture and alignment of the lips and teeth. 

Upon placing your tongue against the roof of the mouth, sealing the lips, and prioritizing nose breathing over mouth breathing, you can potentially enjoy a range of health and cosmetic benefits. 

Mewing helps prevent misaligned jaws and can alleviate temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, especially in children. It is also associated with improved facial symmetry – ultimately making your facial appearance more balanced and pleasing. 

What’s more is – mewing may contribute to better sleep and enhanced airflow, potentially assisting with certain ailments.

Although there are currently no peer-reviewed studies conducted by medical professionals on mewing, you will see some remarkable before and after mewing photos later in this mewing guide.

Mewing: x10 Your Looks

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How Does Mewing Work?

When it comes to sculpting your jawline and exploring painless techniques like mewing, you may be curious about how it actually works and whether it delivers promising results. 

Well, rest assured, mewing can indeed make a positive difference to your jawline, with its emphasis on correct tongue posture.

To better illustrate how mewing works, here is an animated presentation of the mewing technique.

how mewing works

Below are the key principles of mewing to enhance your facial symmetry and achieve a more balanced appearance.

Widening the palate

  • A fundamental aspect of mewing involves gently applying pressure to the palate with the tongue over time. This gradual pressure helps expand the palate, creating more space for your teeth. 
  • By widening the palate, mewing works to create harmonious proportions and a more aesthetically pleasing facial structure.

Forward facial growth 

Mewing doesn't just have an impact on the palate but also holds the potential to influence the position of the maxilla, the upper jawbone. 

Here is how it happens: 

  • By consistently maintaining the correct tongue posture, the pressure exerted on the palate encourages forward growth of the maxilla. 
  • This forward movement of the upper jaw promotes a more attractive facial profile, thus enhancing facial appearance.

Reducing double chin by improving tongue posture

  • With a proper tongue posture through mewing, you can also reduce the appearance of your double chin. 
  • By pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth, mewing helps tighten the muscles and skin beneath the chin. 
  • This can result in a more defined jawline and a reduction in the prominence of a double chin.

If you’re looking to achieve maximum results with mewing and get rid of your double chin, we recommend you couple mewing with face yoga exercises for double chin

Stuck in a loop and wondering where to begin?

Consider downloading our Mewing App which has helped thousands and thousands like you to sculpt their jawline. Our app covers you with:

  • Just the set of mewing exercises, tailored to you only, as we don’t believe one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Regular reminders to maintain proper posture 
  • A progress tracking feature, and much more! 

Begin with our FREE 60 seconds quiz and let us see what are your goals with mewing. 

Mewing Before and After Photos (What to Expect?)

Every day people like you share their incredible transformations through mewing before and after photos

Below is some photographic evidence for you that determine the effectiveness of mewing for your jawline, double chin, and teeth alignment.

Mewing Results for Jawline

Most people practice mewing for a sharper and more defined jawline. 

Here is how mewing helps you get an attractive, “worth-drooling over” jawline:

  • Tightens your skin right beneath your chin
  • Protrudes your lower jaw forward 
  • Enhances the overall shape of your jaw

Now, here is a photogenic example:

Mewing for a sharper jawline

Mewing Results for Double Chin

Next up – while defining your jawline, mewing also aids in reducing the increase of that extra fatty layer under your chin that forms a double chin. 

Here is some photographic evidence:

Mewing for double chin before and after 
Mewing for double chin before and after 

Mewing Results for Teeth Alignment 

Mewing promotes proper teeth alignment by gradually expanding the palate. 

The pressure exerted by the tongue against the palate encourages its widening, creating extra space for the teeth to align and reducing crooked teeth naturally

Here is an example of how mewing helps with teeth alignment:

Mewing for proper teeth alignment
Mewing for proper teeth alignment

How to Mew Properly

At first, many people assume that mewing is as simple as chewing gum. But in reality, you need to learn a proper mewing technique to get the most out of your mewing workout. Without it, you may find yourself investing time and effort in something with little to no results.

You can either watch a complete mewing guide by Dr. Mike Mew or follow along with us. 

Position Your Lips Correctly:

First, you need to gently press your lips together. Make sure to secure the seal without excessive tension. Avoid pursing your lips tightly or displaying a slight frown, maintaining a relaxed and natural lip posture.

Achieve a Correct Tongue Posture:

Now comes the most crucial aspect of mewing – take as much as you require to learn and practice the correct tongue posture.

Lift your tongue gently to the roof of your mouth. Make sure the tip is slightly behind your teeth and not touching them. The challenging part is ensuring the back part of your tongue, known as the 'root of the tongue', also lightly presses against the roof of your mouth. 

If this feels unnatural or difficult to maintain, focus on getting the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth for now. 

Maintain the Right Teeth Position:

Ensure that your front teeth are not touching, but rather resting just over your bottom teeth, while your back teeth lightly touch. If you find it more comfortable to have a slight gap between your back teeth, that's acceptable too. 

Here you need to aim for a small overbite, where your bottom teeth are positioned just behind your top teeth. 

However, you don’t have to force anything at first as it takes time to adjust. Factors like overbites and underbites, or braces may affect your ability to achieve the desired shape. But with practice, you can improve.

Breathe Through Your Nose:

When practicing mewing, focus on breathing through your nose rather than your mouth. Nasal breathing allows for better airflow, promotes proper tongue posture, and helps in maintaining a balanced facial structure. 

Remember, making nasal breathing a complete habit may require some effort and adjustment. But it is a key step to achieve the best results with mewing. 

Rectify Your Body Posture:

Sit or stand with a straight posture, keeping your shoulders relaxed and your head aligned with your spine. Avoid slouching or hunching forward, as this can negatively impact your tongue and jaw position. 

How to Do Mewing – Step By Step Guide 

Now that you know the key principles you need to learn how to mew properly, here are quick steps to do mewing the right way:

  1. Close your mouth, seal your lips, and gently clench your teeth.
  2. Say the word "SING" or "KING."
  3. Maintain your tongue in the position where you produce the sound of "-NG."
  4. Ensure that your tongue does not touch your front teeth.

That’s all - that’s pretty much what you need to practice the correct mewing technique.

Everything you need for mewing in one app:

1. Learn the correct technique

2. Make it a habit

3.Track your progress


Common Mistakes to Avoid While Mewing

Below are the worst mewing mistakes that you need to keep at bay to make your mewing practice as productive as possible.

  • Putting only the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, instead of engaging the back third of the tongue.
  • Touching the front teeth with the tongue and applying pressure. This mewing mistake can lead to dental problems over time.
  • Not applying pressure evenly on the palate, by straining the tongue instead of pressing it flat and wide.
  • Not maintaining lip seal during mewing, especially for individuals with mouth breathing habits.
  • Neglecting proper body posture, such as tilting your back hunched, shoulders forward, and anterior pelvic. These unlikable habits can affect your ability to position the tongue correctly.
  • You lack consistency and persistence in practicing mewing, which is crucial for obtaining results.

Make Mewing a Day Long Habit!

Incorporating reminders into your mewing routine is incredibly important to retain mewing tongue posture in your habit. 

While some resort to setting multiple alarm clocks, we have a better solution: the Mewing App. 

Our app offers a solid reminder system that can be customized to prompt you at intervals as frequent as every 10 minutes, gradually decreasing as the habit solidifies. Moreover, the app provides you with all the resources you need to become fully proficient with mewing, including:

  • A comprehensive training program, 
  • Mewing workout videos, 
  • Helpful checklists, and 
  • A convenient way to track your progress. 

How to Swallow While Mewing?

When it comes to practicing mewing, one crucial aspect to keep in mind is – how to swallow while mewing. Mastering the correct swallowing technique can greatly enhance the benefits you derive from mewing, as it generates significant force against your upper palate.

To put it to the test, start by gently touching your back teeth together and allowing some saliva to gather in your mouth. With the tip of your tongue firmly pressed against the upper palate, concentrate on executing a strong swallow without engaging your cheeks and lips. Your tongue should be doing all the work, exerting the necessary pressure for optimal results.

What Is the Right Way to Breathing While Mewing?

It's common to experience a sensation of nasal blockage and struggle to breathe through the nose when you first start mewing. 

In many cases, this is due to tension in the wrong muscles. If you find it challenging to breathe while mewing, try relaxing the muscles at the back of your tongue slightly to allow for proper airflow. Initially, it may be difficult, but with practice, your control over the tongue muscles will improve. 

What Are the Aesthetic Benefits of Mewing?

Let’s briefly talk about the most-desired benefits of mewing. 

Mewing, when practiced correctly and consistently, offers several aesthetic benefits that can enhance facial appearance. These include:

Enhanced facial symmetry

Several research studies confirm that balanced facial features and symmetry are associated with attractiveness. By promoting proper tongue posture and alignment of the jaw, mewing can contribute to improved facial symmetry.

More Defined jawline

Mewing exercises the muscles around the jaw and can help define the jawline. This lets you enjoy a stronger and more sculpted jawline. 

Attractive Face Profile

Mewing can work wonders in bringing harmony to your facial features. By aligning the facial structures, mewing helps create a pleasing face profile with a balanced relationship between the nose, lips, and chin.

Potential reduction of facial asymmetry

Mewing aims to align the tongue and promote balanced muscle development, which may help reduce facial asymmetry. This can result in a more proportionate and balanced facial appearance.

What Are the Health Benefits of Mewing?

Possible health benefits of mewing include:

Potential alleviation of breathing and sleep-related issues:

Mewing promotes proper tongue posture, which can potentially help alleviate breathing and sleep-related problems. Your tongue placed against the palate encourages nasal breathing and improves airflow. This helps you with issues like snoring and sleep apnea.

Improved oral posture:

Maintaining correct oral posture through mewing potentially helps align the tongue, jaw, and teeth in their proper positions. This eventually leads to improved bite alignment, reducing strain on the jaw joints, and enhanced muscle tone in the orofacial region.

Potential prevention of dental and orthodontic problems:

Mewing encourages the development of proper oral habits, which can aid in avoiding issues like malocclusion, crowded teeth, and misalignment.

Does Mewing Change Your Face Shape? 

Proper tongue posture, or mewing as it's commonly known, can change your face by shaping its underlying structures. This happens especially if your tongue wasn’t fully pressed against the palate in its usual position before. 

Men practice mewing to enhance their lower jaw, giving them a more pronounced and defined facial appearance. This not only adds to their masculinity but also enhances attractive features like the jawline and chin.

Similarly, women mew to address concerns such as sagging skin and the presence of a double chin. Mewing can stimulate skin tightening in the facial area, resulting in a more firm and youthful appearance. The reduction in the double chin can bring about a slimmer and more sculpted facial profile.

Remember, the effects of mewing can vary from person to person. Furthermore, the consistent practice of proper tongue posture is important in achieving the best results. 

How Long Does It Take for Mewing to Work?

How fast you can see results from mewing vary from person to person. 

Other factors include:

  • Your resting tongue position, 
  • Breathing habits; if you’re breathing through mouth or nose, 
  • Your teeth alignment, 
  • Double chin severity, 
  • How long you hold a correct tongue posture, and adopting a holistic approach with posture and facial exercises.

Transitioning from soft mewing to hard mewing may be necessary for "natural mewers" who already press their tongues against the palate. Now, what is hard mewing? As per Dr. Mike Mew, hard mewing means using as much force as you physically can on your palate (roof of your mouth). 

Age also plays a role, with gradual transformations primarily affecting soft tissues beyond the age of 25.

Visible results from mewing typically become noticeable within a few weeks to several months, often around 3 to 6 months.

But if you’re consistent enough with the right mewing technique, chances are you will see the results before 6 months. 

How Long Should You Mew a Day?

Ideally, it’s suggested to keep a correct tongue posture for as long as you can or say the entire day. However, if you're new to mewing, we recommend you mew for a minimum of 6 hours a day to experience spontaneous results.

Conclusion – What Is Mewing?

Now that you know what mewing is and how it influences the shape of your jawline by making it more sculpted. It’s also important you remember that mewing should be embraced as a means to boost confidence and improve your health within the bounds of your control. 

Before setting unrealistic expectations, acknowledge that you are beautiful just as you are and prioritize self-care above all else! 

If you’re looking for friendly support throughout your mewing journey, consider our Mewing App which has brought remarkable results for the users.

With a comprehensive list of mewing techniques and exercises in our Mewing App, you can get a beautiful jawline, improve facial symmetry, and boost your confidence.

…Just as 100K+ of our existing users with the help of constant support, complete mewing workout tutorials, mewing reminders, tracking feature, and more. 

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
June 27, 2023