How Long Should You Mew A Day To See Results

Discover the optimal duration for practicing the Mewing technique to achieve visible results.
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Certified specialist with 5 years of extensive dental and orthodontic experience
How Long Should You Mew Per Day To See Results
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Mewing is an ongoing practice that involves maintaining correct tongue posture – something you should maintain all day long. But we’ll take a closer look here if you’re wondering, “How long should I mew a day to see maximum results?

First things first – you might want to know “What is mewing?”. Mewing, which is guided by orthotropic dentistry, refers to the practice of correcting your tongue posture to sculpt your jawline and improve overall face health. 

But how long should you mew each day to see real results?

The answer is simple.

Ideally, you should aim to mew 24/7, just like you would strive to maintain good posture throughout the day. While it may be challenging to remember to mew constantly, the more you practice, the more you'll see the benefits. 

If you're new to mewing, it's recommended that you mew for a minimum of 6 hours a day to see significant results.

Get a better jawline in just 28 days

Get rid of a double chin and get an attractive jawline with a daily mewing workout

Don't worry if this seems like a lot of work - there are ways to make it easier to remember to mew and to see results more quickly. 

This article will solve your concerns, like:

  • How long should I mew a day?
  • How can I make mewing a habit that sticks? 
  • How can I get the fastest mewing results?

Let’s get going to find out how many hours you should be mewing. 

How Long Should You Mew A Day?

The more you mew, the best mewing before and after transformation you will get. 

So, the answer to “How long should I mew a day” is not as straightforward as you think. 

To begin with, you must understand that mewing is not a magic wand that will work overnight. Dr. Mew suggests that mewing works gradually over time by changing the structure of your face.

The transformation you experience through mewing is a gradual process that occurs as a result of the natural growth and development of the facial bones, as the sutures in your skull don't typically fuse until you are 70. This means that until then, you can still add bone to your face with mewing. 

Mewing is also believed to be in line with Wolff's Law, which states that bone tissue adapts to the loads placed upon it.

  • According to Wolff's Law, the bone tissue of mammals responds to the mechanical forces that are applied to it, leading to changes in bone structure and density. 
  • With mewing, the force of the tongue against the palate is thought to stimulate bone growth and remodeling in the face.

Consider this: when you swallow, you exert a considerable amount of pressure on your palate - up to two pounds of force per swallow. That's because your tongue is stronger than you think. 

Interestingly, bones are more responsive to long-term, low-intensity forces than high-intensity ones. This means that small amounts of force applied consistently over time can cause significant changes to the bone structure. Even fine blood vessels in the brain can leave indentations on the tough cortical bone, highlighting how surprisingly pliable bone can be, according to Dr. Mew.

Mewing: x10 Your Looks

✓ Get an attractive jawline
✓ Boost your self-confidence
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So, how can you make mewing work for your jaw? 

The answer lies in practicing proper tongue posture, which exerts pressure on your hard palate and makes your facial structure come forward. The more you keep a good tongue posture, the faster you'll see mewing results.

Mewing occasionally won't be enough. It’s recommended to build a habit of maintaining proper tongue posture all the time to achieve long-term results.

By installing the Mewing App, you receive timely reminders that will make the practice of maintaining proper tongue posture a lifelong habit.

How to Make Mewing a Habit?

To achieve mewing results, it's crucial to condition your body to make it a habit. 

Like any habit, mewing requires a consistent stimulus. 

Here are some helpful tips to incorporate mewing into your daily routine and solidify it as a habit.

Set Mewing Reminders with the Mewing App:

One effective way to ensure mewing becomes a habit is by setting up reminders, such as alarms or using scheduling apps, to prompt you to maintain proper tongue posture at regular intervals throughout the day.

Everything you need for mewing in one app:

1. Learn the correct technique

2. Make it a habit

3.Track your progress


You can also download Mewing App, which provides an in-depth tutorial on correct mewing techniques, proper swallowing and breathing, and mewing mistakes to avoid. 

With this app, scheduling, reminding, and tracking your mewing exercises becomes effortless. It is an excellent tool not only for getting started but also for maintaining long-term mewing practice and reaping the benefits of proper tongue posture.

How to Speed Up Mewing Results?

If you're looking to speed up your mewing results, here are some tips and techniques:

Consult an Orthotropic Dentist:

If you have the resources, consider consulting with an orthotropic dentist. These dental professionals specialize in facial development and can help guide you through the process of using removable expanders and other non-invasive interventions. 

Use Jawline Exercises:

To speed up your mewing results, adding jawline exercises into your routine can be one of the best ways to do so. Mewing practitioners often recommend mastic gum, which is a tough and sugar-free option. 

Other exercises that can help build jaw muscles include:

  • Jaw clenches
  • Chin lifts
  • Tongue twisters
  • Neck resistance training

It's important to start with gentle exercises and gradually work your way up to prevent injury.

Practice Hard Mewing:

Hard mewing refers to the practice of placing extra force on the maxilla and mandible to achieve faster results. This technique involves pressing the tongue and the roof of the mouth with considerable force. However, it's important you approach hard mewing with caution. 

While hard mewing may yield faster results, you should not start from hard mewing. It's best you begin with soft mewing first – proper tongue placement technique. 

Try Tongue Chewing:

Another technique to try is the "tongue chewing exercise," which is similar to regular gum chewing but involves using the tongue to move the gum around in your mouth. This can help strengthen the tongue and jaw muscles.

Follow the Proper Swallowing Technique

Proper swallowing technique is essential for mewing success. Make sure to swallow with your tongue against the roof of your mouth and avoid pushing your tongue forward or using your lips to swallow. 

Also, try to eat harder foods to increase muscular activity, but be sure to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing.


I am a beginner. How many hours should I mew a day?

If you’re someone who’s just starting, it’s generally recommended to mew for 6 hours a day. 

Is constant mewing necessary to see the desired results?

6 hours a day is the minimum timeframe to mew a day. But if you want to see a quick jawline transformation, mewing constantly is ideal. 

I keep forgetting to mew, what should I do?

Set reminders for yourself that will keep you with proper tongue placement. You can also make mewing a lifelong process by installing the Mewing App


The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
May 17, 2023