Jaw Asymmetry: How to Fix Asymmetrical Jaw without Surgery?

In this article, we will discover how to fix an asymmetrical jaw without surgery.
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Jaw Asymmetry: How to Fix Asymmetrical Jaw without Surgery?
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Our faces usually look best when they're balanced. A balanced or symmetrical face is also regarded as an attractive one. But sometimes, one side of the jaw might stand out more, and that can bother us.

If you've ever felt that one side of your jaw seems bigger than the other, you're not alone. Facial asymmetry can arise from various factors – lifestyle habits, dental alignment issues, or even genetics causing jaw or chin differences. Sometimes, accidents or injuries play a role too.

While certain jawline exercises can naturally help with asymmetry, some cases might need slight treatments. However, there are still a number of natural ways to fix your asymmetrical jaw without surgery. 

Facial and tongue exercises like mewing, tongue-stretching, cheek toning, and overall face yoga are easily some of the most effective ways to fix an asymmetrical jaw. 

If you’re looking to get into the root cause of your facial imbalance and want to boost your self-esteem with a more sculpted look, we recommend you take the quiz below:

[Start with a 60 Second Quiz]

Read on to learn:

  • What is jaw asymmetry and what are the causes of having an asymmetrical jaw?
  • How to avoid the worst sleeping positions that cause uneven jaw
  • How to fix an asymmetrical jaw naturally?

Let’s begin!

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What is Jaw Asymmetry?

Jaw asymmetry is when the jawbone grows unevenly, which causes facial imbalance. This often indicates malocclusion, where the jaw and teeth are misaligned. However, in many other instances, one side of the face might have an underdeveloped jaw.

This facial imbalance can create daily challenges. It could affect how you feel about your appearance or impact biting and chewing. 

Thankfully, simple exercises can help restore facial symmetry by addressing this jaw imbalance. For more severe cases, cosmetic surgery might be considered. But natural remedies are always helpful as a long-term approach. 

Most Common Symptoms of an Uneven or Asymmetrical Jaw:

Having an uneven jaw can affect your health in various ways, from your teeth and gums to muscles and ligaments. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward finding solutions.

Below are some symptoms or conditions that can mean you have an asymmetrical jaw:

You Have an Uneven or Lopsided Smile: An uneven or lopsided smile is a common sign of facial asymmetry. This might be due to nerve damage, dental issues, or even a stroke. If a stroke causes the asymmetry, the good news is that the smile often returns to normal over time.

You Have a Tight Jaw: A tight jaw can bring discomfort to the body with varying levels of pain. The discomfort might increase while yawning or chewing. Symptoms include a locked jaw joint, limited mouth movement, and clicking sounds.

Clicking or Popping Sound When You Open Your Mouth: A troubled temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can lead to painful jaw popping. Such habits can cause jaw pain that needs attention.

Teeth grinding, known as bruxism, is a disorder often linked to anxiety and stress. It can result in jaw popping too. Addressing bruxism is crucial to avoid further discomfort.

What Can Cause an Asymmetrical Jaw?

Besides accidents or injury, a misaligned or asymmetrical jaw has a lot to do with genes, lifestyle choices, tongue habits, and even improper tongue posture.

Let’s have a look at some of the most common causes of why you have an uneven jaw:

Genetics: Sometimes, the way your jaw develops is linked to your family. If others in your family have uneven facial features, like uneven lips, it might be more likely for you too.

Lifestyle Choices: How you live also matters. 

Here are some lifestyle habits that can be quite negative for your jaw alignment:

  • Sleeping on your belly or against a pillow
  • Bad posture
  • Sleeping on one side, however, you can fix it by simply looking through some ways to fix facial asymmetry from sleeping on one side
  • Aways resting your face on your hand can lead to misalignment.
  • Slouching too much on your back
  • Mouth breathing instead of nose breathing, and more

Trauma or Broken Jaw: Accidents, falls, or sports injuries can break or dislocate your jaw. Smaller fractures often heal on their own, while bigger breaks might need surgery.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders: Problems with the joints or muscles around them can cause crooked jaws. Things like teeth grinding, injury, or stress can lead to TMJ issues.

Birth Defects: You might have been born with a jaw condition that makes it crooked. Surgery or lifestyle changes can help.

Smoking: Believe it or not, smoking can make your face uneven. The toxins in smoke affect your facial alignment. Smoking messes with your face in more ways than one. It can change how you hold your mouth and even cause problems in your blood vessels.

Torticollis or Twisted Neck: This is when the muscles in your neck don't line up right. Sometimes it happens even before you're born and can affect your face.

Teeth Misalignment: If your upper and lower teeth don't match up well, it can create an uneven look. Overbite and underbite are examples.

Health Emergencies: Conditions like a stroke can make your face droop suddenly, causing asymmetry. It's a serious issue that needs quick attention.

Understanding these different causes can help you figure out what might be behind your uneven jaw. If you're worried or notice any of these signs, it's a good idea to talk to a professional for guidance.

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Why One Side of My Jaw Is Bigger Than the Other?

Having one side of your face comparatively bigger than the other, clearly means you have pronounced facial asymmetry. As mentioned in the above section, it can arise due to injury or simply because of bad lifestyle habits like improper tongue posture, smoking, bad body posture, and more. 

Note: If you have significant jawline asymmetry, we highly recommend you consult a professional for guidance. They will best recommend the right surgery – it’s up to the severity of your condition whether you would need cosmetic treatment or surgery. 

Does Chewing on One Side Make it Bigger? 

Just like how certain muscles can become larger due to intense workouts, the muscles in our jaw can also experience a similar effect. When one side of the jaw is under more strain than the other, these muscles tend to grow larger over time.

Imagine it as a sort of 'muscle overcompensation.' If one side of your jaw is working harder than the other, it's like giving that side a frequent workout. As a result, those muscles bulk up, leading to a noticeable difference in appearance.

This asymmetrical growth can cause one side of your face to look more muscular and pronounced compared to the other side.

How to Fix an Asymmetrical Jaw Naturally? [Effective Natural Methods]

Everyone wants to look their best selves with a perfectly symmetrical jawline and facial harmony. But as much as people love to have that, most of them don’t want to go under a knife for it. Because let’s be honest – surgical treatments are expensive and can be painful. 

You would be pleased to know that you can still get rid of an asymmetrical jawline and have all the perks of a perfectly balanced face. Thanks to those non-invasive and natural methods that can help you to do so. 

Here are some of the most effective ways to get rid of asymmetrical facial features without surgery.

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Enhance Your Jaw Symmetry with Mewing

If you're seeking a natural way to transform your facial features, consider the practice of mewing. To simply define what mewing is – mewing involves maintaining proper tongue posture to enhance face symmetry by flattening your tongue against the roof of your mouth while breathing through your nose. 

This posture adjustment can also help strengthen your jawline. Unconscious shifts in tongue position can contribute to various health issues, which Mewing aims to address.

You can start right away by learning how to mew properly, and there’s no denying that you won’t see significant mewing before and after transformation

Practice Facial Muscles Exercises

A weak chin or soft jawline can also be one factor contributing to your jaw imbalance. Targeted exercises can be beneficial. These routines focus on strengthening the muscles in your face, ultimately improving your facial appearance. 

Typically involving movements like moving your lower jaw side to side or back and forth, these exercises may include:

  • Puckering your lips,
  • Or, making various facial expressions. 

Regular practice can lead to better facial symmetry and a more balanced look.

Improve Your Posture and Alignment

Improving your posture and spinal alignment can also contribute to a more even jawline. 

Here is what you can do to improve your posture:

  • Stand with your shoulders back
  • Head held high to promote proper posture
  • Avoid slouching or hunching over, as this can strain neck and jaw muscles.

Practice Effective Exercises for an Uneven Jawline

You can start with the easiest ones below.  

Chin Lifts: Tilt your head upward toward the ceiling while keeping your lips closed. Pucker your lips as if you're trying to kiss the ceiling, holding for five seconds before releasing. Repeat ten times.

Jaw Clenches: Simply clench your jaw muscles and hold for ten seconds. Repeat this exercise ten times daily to strengthen your jaw muscles.

Tongue Presses: Place your tongue tip against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Press your tongue upward for five seconds, then release. Repeat this ten times.

Cheek Toning for Symmetry

If the jaw imbalance affects your cheeks, consider cheek toning. Gently press and manipulate the upper cheek muscles with your fingers to work towards desired results.

Facial Acupuncture

Acupuncture targets inflammation reduction and improved blood circulation. Stimulating specific points on the jaw, face, and cheek tissues can lead to muscle improvement and tension release.

Prioritize Self-Care and Massage

Massage eases jaw tension and promotes relaxation. Using fingertips, gently massage the muscles on both sides of your jawbone. Warm compresses or baths can also aid muscle relaxation and circulation.

Support from Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet contributes to an even jawline. Prioritize fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains for necessary nutrients. Minimize sugary and processed foods to reduce inflammation and promote oral health.

There you have it – all the natural ways to get around your asymmetrical jaw. 

One more thing you can do is to avoid certain sleeping positions that cause potential jaw asymmetry. 

Worst Sleeping Positions and How They Negatively Impact Your Jaw Alignment

Getting a good night's sleep is important to optimize health, but did you know that your sleeping position can influence more than just how rested you feel? 

The way you sleep can significantly impact your jaw alignment and even contribute to jaw-related issues. 

Here are three worst sleeping positions that can negatively affect your jaw alignment.

Sleeping on your stomach: When you rest your face on the pillow, it can put undue pressure on your jaw, pushing it against the pillow. This continuous pressure can lead to misalignment over time, affecting the symmetry of your jaw.

Jaw Clenching During Sleep: Even if you start off in a relatively neutral sleeping position, subconscious jaw clenching during sleep can still affect your jaw alignment. Clenching your jaw can put stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), leading to discomfort and misalignment.

Sleeping on One Side Exclusively: Consistently sleeping on one side can cause the muscles on that side of your face to become overworked, which ends up with an uneven jaw alignment. It's important to vary your sleeping positions to distribute pressure more evenly across your jaw and face.

Help Reduce Your Asymmetrical Jaw with the Mewing App!

Curious about how mewing can help fix an uneven jaw? 

Mewing App can be pretty resourceful in this regard! This app offers a comprehensive toolkit for enhancing your jawline and overall facial symmetry naturally. 

Mewing App comes with:

  • Guided workouts, 
  • Instructional videos, 
  • Progress tracking feature,
  • Constant proper tongue posture reminders, and 
  • Personalized training programs.

Once you have all these benefits under one platform, you can comfortably progress toward your desired results while tracking your improvement along the way. It's an invaluable resource for both women and men seeking to naturally refine their asymmetrical jawlines.

[Download Mewing App Now]

Final Thoughts – Can I Get Rid of Asymmetrical Jaw Without Surgery?

Yes, you have the power to make changes that matter to you when it comes to your facial features. Jaw asymmetry can be caused by a number of reasons like improper tongue posture, traumatic injury, or it simply can be genetic. However, that doesn’t mean you instantly opt for facial surgery. With simple techniques like mewing, facial exercises, cheek toning, face yoga, and more, you can work towards getting a symmetrical jawline.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
September 4, 2023