Нow to Fix Facial Asymmetry from Sleeping on Side

Facial asymmetry is a condition where the characteristics on one side of the face do not reflect those on the other. Your sleeping position may contribute to facial asymmetry, and you may be unaware of it.
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Нow to Fix Facial Asymmetry from Sleeping on Side
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Facial asymmetry is a condition where the characteristics on one side of the face do not reflect those on the other. 

Your sleeping position may contribute to facial asymmetry, and you may be unaware of it.

So, does sleeping constantly on one side of your face cause facial asymmetry?

Yes, it does

While various factors can affect how symmetrical your face is, sleeping on one side can create compression wrinkles that worsen the problem

Over time, these wrinkles can throw off the balance of your face and even cause your bones to change and remodel.

We all want to put our best face forward, and balanced facial features are seen as an important aspect of physical attractiveness.

Here’s what you will learn after reading this article:

  • What causes a person to develop an asymmetrical face?
  • How to reverse facial asymmetry from sleeping on the side?  
  • Best facial yoga moves to fix facial asymmetry.
  • Surgical and non-surgical ways to fix asymmetry. 

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What is Facial Asymmetry, and Do I Have It?

Facial asymmetry is a condition in which the features on one side of the face fail to align with the features on the other side. 

check is your face asymmetrical 

It is common for everyone to have some degree of facial asymmetry. But it can become a concern when the asymmetry affects your appearance.

Many reasons can lead to facial asymmetries, such as:

  • Genetics
  • Injury
  • Disease
  • Aging
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Sleep position

It is important to note that asymmetry is not always a cause for concern and does not necessarily indicate a serious medical condition. However, if the asymmetry is severe, it may affect a person's self-esteem and confidence.

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Facial asymmetry can also feel like having extra fat deposited on one side of your face.  So it’s normal to wonder, “Why is one side of my face bigger than the other”. 

Let’s discuss it in detail. 

Why is One Side of My Face Fatter?

As we mentioned before, it’s totally normal for your face to have a little bit of difference between the left and right sides – just like our hands aren't exactly the same. 

But sometimes, one side of your face might look a bit plumper than the other.

When you examine one side of your face, divided by an imaginary line down the middle, you might naturally think that both sides would be mirror images of each other. This concept is known as symmetry. However, having a perfectly symmetrical face is rather uncommon. 

Now, if we talk about your face, especially your cheekbones – they are seen as prominent features on your face. They contour your facial appearance. Nonetheless, asymmetrical cheekbones tend to stand out more prominently in comparison to other facial features. 

When your face doesn’t have a balance between high cheekbones vs low cheekbones, it can pose a considerable challenge to your overall attractiveness.

So, if you have highly noticeable uneven cheeks, this signifies that you have major facial asymmetry. Meaning, one side of your face might seem fatter than the other. 

Reasons Pointing Towards One Side of Your Face Bigger Than the Other

Summarizing the reasons for having one side of your face fatter than the other:

  • Natural Differences: Your face is naturally a bit uneven. Just like we might have a favorite hand, we might use the muscles on one side of our face more than the other, making it seem bigger.
  • The Way We Sleep: If you sleep mostly on one side, your face might get squished a bit. This can affect the muscles and skin, making one side puffier over time.
  • Water and Salt Consumption: Sometimes, if you eat too much salt or don't drink enough water, your body can hold onto extra water. This can make one side of the face look puffier.
  • Muscles and Smiles: Smiling and making expressions can also affect your face. If you often smile or move your face more on one side, those muscles might get stronger, making that side look fuller.
  • Everyone's Unique: It’s as simple as it sounds. Just like your fingerprints, your face is unique too. Small differences in bone structure, fat, and muscles can make one side look a bit different from the other.

Now, how to tell if you have facial asymmetry? 

One simple way to determine if you have facial asymmetry is by taking a photograph of yourself and drawing a line down the center of your face. 

If the features on both sides of the face match, then your face is symmetrical. If not, then you may have facial asymmetry.

What Happens To Your Face When You Sleep?   

Sleeping is a natural process that allows your mind and body to rest, repair, and rejuvenate. 

But have you ever wondered what happens to your face when you sleep?

Firstly, it's important to note that you don't sleep in the same position the whole time. You move around at least a little during the night. 

However, if you favor one side more than the other, it can lead to pressure and friction on the face, causing sleep wrinkles and other facial changes.

Of course, these changes won't happen overnight. The slow and constant pressure can change your bones and facial structure over time. Sleeping on only one side can hurt your bones and make your face look uneven.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent facial asymmetry caused by sleeping habits. One such method is mewing, which involves proper tongue and jaw posture to improve facial symmetry and sharpen your jawline.

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Effects of Facial Asymmetry

Facial symmetry is a significant part of physical attractiveness, but what happens when one's face lacks symmetry?

Noticeable facial asymmetry can have a variety of effects on a person's health, well-being, and social interactions.

Effects of Facial Asymmetry

Some of the major effects of facial asymmetry include:

Physical Appearance and Functioning:

Facial asymmetry can impact the physical appearance and the proper functioning of facial features, such as the nose, mouth, and eyes. 

It may manifest in multiple forms, including:

  • Displacement of eyes
  • Cheek retrusion
  • Forehead protrusion
  • Brown bone 
  • Eyebrow lowering
  • Nasal deviations

Perception of Attractiveness

Studies have shown that facial symmetry is one of the key factors people use to judge physical attractiveness. 

When facial features are asymmetrical, this might lead to a less attractive appearance. It can become particularly problematic in social situations where physical appearance is highly valued, such as dating or job interviews.

Low Self-Esteem

People with facial asymmetry may experience lower self-esteem and body image concerns, which negatively impacts their mental health. Research also says that individuals with facial asymmetry may feel less confident in their appearance. 

Health Issues

Facial asymmetry can also be a sign of underlying health issues. For example, asymmetry in the jaw or teeth may indicate a problem with bite alignment, leading to jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty eating. 

Cultural Perceptions

In some cultures, facial asymmetry may be viewed as a sign of beauty or uniqueness. For example, in Japan, "wabi-sabi" aesthetics embrace imperfection and asymmetry. 

However, in Western cultures, facial symmetry is often considered ideal. These cultural differences can impact how facial asymmetry is perceived. 

Remember that there is no "perfect" face. Everyone has unique features that make them who they are. If facial asymmetry is causing concern or impacting someone's quality of life, speaking with a medical professional or mental health provider may be beneficial.

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What Causes a Person to Develop an Asymmetrical Face

The human face is a complex structure, and it is common to have some degree of asymmetry. But in some cases, facial asymmetry can be more pronounced and noticeable. 

Here are the potential causes of an asymmetrical face, ranging from genetic factors to lifestyle habits.


Genetic factors are one of the primary causes of facial asymmetry. Some people may be born with asymmetrical facial features due to genetic variations, including differences in the size or shape of bones, muscles, or other tissues. 

Genetic health conditions like cleft lip and palate may contribute to facial asymmetry.

Sun Damage:

High exposure to the sun is another reason why you have an asymmetrical face. According to a study, long-term exposure to the sun can result in structural changes in the skin, such as:

  • Thickening of the outermost layer of the skin, and 
  • Thinning and loss of elasticity of the deeper layers of the skin

Trauma or Injuries:

Facial injuries, such as fractures or burns, can also lead to asymmetry. When the bones or tissues of the face are damaged, this can impact the shape or position of facial features, leading to visible asymmetry.

Experiencing trauma, such as a broken nose, a deep cut, or being involved in a vehicle collision, can result in facial damage.


As you age, the skin and tissues of your face begin to lose elasticity. It results in a loss of volume and sagging of the skin. This natural aging process can lead to facial asymmetry, particularly in the cheeks and jawline.

Medical Conditions:

Certain medical conditions can also cause facial asymmetry. For example, Bell's palsy is a condition that causes temporary paralysis of the facial muscles, which can result in drooping or asymmetry of the face. Other conditions, such as jaw misalignment or craniosynostosis, may also cause facial asymmetry.

Lifestyle Habits:

Lifestyle habits that can cost you an asymmetrical face involve:

  • Not practicing the proper tongue posture 
  • Sleeping position
  • Holding the phone on one side of the face, and more

Poor posture, particularly when using a computer or mobile device, can also lead to imbalances in the muscles of the face and neck. 

Habitual open mouth posture also has the potential to cause facial asymmetry. Continuous mouth breathing instead of the nose can alter the placement and growth of facial muscles and bones.

Sleeping on one side of the face more often than the other can cause uneven pressure on facial tissues, leading to asymmetry over time. 

Can Sleeping on Your Back Fix Facial Asymmetry?

Dermatologists and plastic surgeons suggest sleeping on your back. This can help prevent or reduce lines and creases on your face. It can also keep your face symmetrical for a more attractive look.

Many models and actresses sleep on their backs to maintain their looks. Sleeping on your back reduces pressure on your cheeks and chin. If you sleep on your side or stomach, these areas can become flattened or misshapen.

However, sleeping on your back alone may not fix facial asymmetry. There are various causes of asymmetry, and sleeping position is just one. Medical intervention or cosmetic procedures may be necessary if your asymmetry is due to genetics or injury.

Sleeping on your back may also not be comfortable for everyone. Some people find it difficult to fall asleep on their back or may experience discomfort or pain. If you happen to be one of them, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for guidance on the most suitable sleeping position.

Besides, you can always count on healthy lifestyle habits to reverse your facial asymmetry. 

How To Prevent Facial Asymmetry

Here is how you can prevent developing an asymmetrical face:

Watch Your Sleeping Position

Let’s begin with an easy one. 

Make an effort to avoid sleeping on one side of your face too much. Favoring one side constantly when asleep can lead to asymmetry over time. 

Paying more attention to your sleeping position may yield little results, but it can make a significant difference over time.

Take Care of Your Body

Maintaining a healthy diet can be beneficial not only for your overall well-being. But it can also enhance your facial appearance. A well-nourished body gives rise to a glowing skin, which can help promote facial symmetry.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is essential for your skin's elasticity, which is necessary to maintain its shape and symmetry. 

But it doesn’t mean you go overboard. Ensure that you consume the appropriate amount of water that your body requires.

Address Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be a contributing factor to facial asymmetry. It's crucial to take steps to prevent this issue and consult a healthcare specialist. 

Use Sunscreen

If you want to keep your face looking its best, use sunscreen daily. 

Sun damage can lead to facial asymmetry over time, but regular sunscreen can help prevent this. It's an effortless and affordable way to take care of your skin. 

To achieve optimal results in fixing your facial asymmetry, you need to take a step further. 

Below are some effective facial yoga exercises you can easily try at home.

3 Simple Face Yoga Exercises to Reverse Facial Asymmetry from Sleeping

face yoga exercises to reverse facial asymmetry 

Let’s get into the details of how to perform face yoga exercises to reverse facial asymmetry. 

The Half Wink

The half wink helps fix the asymmetry of your eyes. 

Steps to do the half wink:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Close one eye halfway as if you were winking.
  3. Gently place your fingers above and below your eye and pull the skin back to create resistance.
  4. While maintaining this pressure, close your eye tight for a few seconds.
  5. Repeat the exercise with the other eye at least 20 times. 

The Cheek Puffer

The cheek puffer exercise helps fix uneven cheeks.

Steps to perform the cheek puffer:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Take a deep breath and puff up your cheeks with air.
  3. Hold the air in your cheeks for five seconds.
  4. Exhale the air slowly through your mouth.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

The Face Stretch

The face stretch facial yoga helps fix an asymmetrical lower face.

Steps to perform the face stretch:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Look up and cover your teeth with your lips.
  3. Smile as wide as you can to create resistance around your mouth.
  4. Hold the smile for a few seconds.
  5. Relax your facial muscles and repeat the exercise 20 times on each side of your face.

Consistency is the key when it comes to following any health and wellness routine, including practicing face yoga.

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Treatment Options for an Asymmetrical Face

Sometimes, significant facial asymmetries may require medical treatment. There are various options available, including non-surgical treatments like injectables, fillers, and facial implants. 

Let’s explore some treatment options to consider when fixing major facial asymmetry. 

Correcting Facial Asymmetry with Dermal Fillers 

Dermal fillers, such as Radiesse, Voluma, or Sculptra, are a popular non-surgical option for correcting facial asymmetry. These fillers add volume to one side of a patient's jaw or cheek. 

Depending on the patient's needs, the fillers can be injected into different areas of the face, including cheeks, temples, jawline, or other areas. The Derma fillers treatment can smooth out any irregularities and create a more symmetrical appearance. 

The results of dermal fillers usually last from 6 months to 2 years, making them a popular choice for those seeking a temporary solution. 

It is important to consult with an experienced professional to determine the most suitable filler for your specific needs.

What Surgical Procedure Fixes Facial Asymmetry?

Now, what face surgery treatments fix facial asymmetry?

Surgical solutions such as facial implants, rhinoplasty, facelifts, and buccal fat removal may be considered for those with a severe level of facial asymmetry.

Facial Reconstruction Surgery:

One possible solution to correct facial asymmetry caused by defects, scars, or trauma from an accident is facial reconstruction surgery. This type of surgery is known for its high effectiveness in producing life-changing results for patients. 

The procedure involves a plastic surgeon reshaping the bone and tissue and repairing any damage caused by trauma or previous surgeries to restore symmetry to the face.

Facelift Surgery for Facial Asymmetry

Facelift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can address a range of aesthetic concerns, including facial asymmetry. 

The surgeon lifts and repositions the skin, underlying tissues, and muscles during a facelift to create a more youthful and symmetrical appearance. 

Depending on the patient's specific needs and goals, the surgeon may use different facelift techniques, such as:

  • Traditional facelift, 
  • Mini facelift, or 
  • Lower facelift. 

Chin and Cheek Augmentation

Chin and cheek augmentation are surgical procedures that can help address facial asymmetry caused by a weak chin or flat cheeks. 

These procedures involve using implants or fillers to add volume and definition to the chin and cheeks, creating a harmonious facial profile.

Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal is a surgical technique that aims to sculpt the face and create a more symmetrical appearance by removing excess fat from the cheeks. It’s also a most-considered option to get rid of chubby cheeks

This procedure can reduce the appearance of round, chubby cheeks and adorn your face with definition and contour. 

Meeting a board-certified plastic surgeon is important to determine which surgical procedure is best for your case.

How Can Orthodontics Help?

If you have developed facial asymmetry from sleeping on side or due to other reasons, Orthodontics can help fix it. 

In the past, jaw surgery was the preferred treatment for facial asymmetry. But now, this treatment is reserved for extreme cases only. 

Following orthodontic treatments are the go-to options if you have a mild case:

  • Metal braces
  • Clear aligners or Invisalign. 

Additionally, a palatal expander can be used to treat asymmetry caused by a small upper jaw.

Practicing proper oral posture through a technique called "mewing" can also assist in correcting facial asymmetry caused by a malocclusion. 

Mewing involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth and maintaining the correct tongue posture. This practice can help to guide the growth of the jaw and promote proper alignment of the teeth. 

Combining orthodontic treatment with proper oral posture practices can further enhance the effectiveness of correcting facial asymmetry. 

How Do I Fix My Asymmetrical Face with Botox?

Botox, a popular injectable treatment, can also correct facial asymmetry. 

It works by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause certain facial expressions, such as frowning or raising the eyebrows. By doing so, Botox can help to even out asymmetry caused by overactive facial muscles. 

Results typically last 3-4 months, and treatment can be repeated when necessary.

How to Get a Symmetrical Face with a PDO Thread Lift? 

PDO thread lifts are a non-surgical facelift alternative that uses sutures to lift and tighten the skin. 

The sutures are inserted under the skin and pulled tight to lift and contour the face. This treatment is effective in correcting mild to moderate facial asymmetry and provides immediate results. 

The threads will dissolve over time, but the lifting and contouring effects can last up to 2 years.

Final Thoughts — Facial Asymmetry from Sleeping on Side 

If you're wondering how to fix facial asymmetry from sleeping on side, rest assured that multiple options are available to help alleviate this condition. 

From orthodontic treatment to facial reconstructive surgery or even mewing, there's a solution that can help you achieve a more symmetrical look.

At the end of the day, everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident in their skin. Seeking help is a brave and empowering step towards achieving that goal.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
August 18, 2023