Can Mewing Straighten Teeth? Before & After Photos

Can mewing straighten teeth? Is mewing good or bad for your teeth? We will discuss your mewing and teeth straightening concerns and how to do the correct mewing teeth position so you get the maximum results. ‍
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Can Mewing Straighten Teeth? Before & After Photos
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Can mewing straighten teeth? Is mewing good or bad for your teeth? We will discuss your mewing and teeth straightening concerns and how to do the correct mewing teeth position so you get the maximum results.  ‍

Chances are, you have already heard about the amazing effects of mewing on your facial bone structure. Mewing is more of a talk of the town on the internet these days due to its multiple aesthetic benefits – ranging from sharpening your jawline to fixing facial asymmetry.

But what about the possibility of mewing straightening your crooked teeth naturally? Of course, you want that perfect smile to complement your bright personality.

So, does mewing straighten teeth? 

We will cover:

  • How mewing straightens teeth
  • How does mewing help fix crooked teeth
  • How is mewing related to straightening teeth
  • What is the correct mewing teeth position and how do you practice it
  • Mewing Before & After Teeth, and more

What is Mewing and How to Mew Properly? 

Originating from the British Orthodontist, Dr. Mike Mew, Mewing falls under the orthotropic treatment category – a branch of orthodontics dedicated to jaw positioning.

Mewing is a DIY face-reconstructing technique that involves maintaining constant pressure from the tongue against the maxilla (the roof of the mouth) while ensuring teeth alignment and a closed mouth. 

The main concept revolves around making Mewing a habitual practice so that over time, the muscles remember how to position the tongue correctly. This re-trained muscle memory is believed to result in a change in jaw position and ultimately lead to improved oral posture.

Now, let’s learn how to mew the right way.

In order to get the best out of your mewing practice, position the entire tongue against the roof of the mouth while keeping the teeth in a relaxed state. Proper mewing involves mastering the art of resting your teeth and avoiding contact between them, which helps prevent potential issues like malocclusion and crooked teeth in the long term.

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Get rid of a double chin and get an attractive jawline with a daily mewing workout

Is Mewing Bad or Good for Your Teeth? 

So, is mewing bad for you? Or, can mewing cause teeth pain?

Absolutely no, IF you follow the correct mewing teeth posture, i.e. your teeth not grinding or clenching at all.

Rest assured, mewing does not inflict any harm on your teeth. Quite the opposite, it actually contributes to maintaining your dental well-being by guiding you in adopting the appropriate teeth posture.

Can Mewing Cause Crooked Teeth?

Mewing, when practiced correctly, doesn’t cause crooked teeth. For a better understanding, consider the scenarios below. 

Improper mewing technique – excessive force on the teeth or misplacement of the tongue could potentially lead to dental issues and misalignment. 

However, correct mewing, which focuses on tongue posture against the maxilla without exerting undue pressure on the teeth, can actually promote better oral alignment over time.

Can Mewing Straighten Teeth? 

As of now, scientific evidence supporting Mewing's ability to straighten crooked teeth remains lacking. Instead, mewing is often viewed as a preventive measure or a supplementary exercise to accompany other orthodontic treatments.

The technique does not involve forcibly moving teeth into position, and thus, it is not directly linked to teeth straightening. Nevertheless, practicing proper oral organ positioning through mewing has shown promise in addressing crooked teeth.

While mewing before and after photos suggest that these exercises have contributed to palate expansion and improved dental arch shape, significant results in terms of enhancing facial structure and teeth alignment may take several years to manifest. 

What’s more interesting is with habitual mewing, you can help prevent potential dental issues by adopting proper teeth posture. 

If you don’t know where to begin, our Mewing App can be a great help in helping you maintain proper tongue posture to chisel your jawline and brighten up your smile.

Start by DOWNLOADING Mewing App.

Mewing App will keep you up and motivated towards your facial transformation journey through:

  • Regular mewing reminders, 
  • Mewing before and after teeth pictures, 
  • Progress tracking feature, and more. 

Alternative Dental Treatments to Fix Crooked Teeth 

If you have severe crooked teeth case, it’s better you consult with a professional orthodontist.

Here is how orthodontics can help straighten your crooked teeth: 

  • Metal Braces
  • Dental Retainers
  • Invisible Braces
  • Lingual Braces

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✓ All techniques in a one app

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Mewing Before & After: Teeth

Mewing may not directly fix crooked teeth on its own, but its main purpose is to encourage better oral posture, which contributes to teeth alignment.

Before we explore some captivating before and after teeth transformations achieved through mewing, let's understand the connection between mewing and teeth straightening.

How is Mewing Related to Straightening Teeth? (SCIENTIFICALLY EXPLAINED)

It's fascinating to learn that individuals who've been chewing hard foods since a young age tend to experience forward facial growth, resulting in bigger jaws and nicely aligned teeth. Mewing, as a technique, can aid in palatal expansion and create room for misaligned teeth.

Misaligned teeth can be traced back to some early not-so-great habits you pick up in infancy, like thumb sucking or using pacifiers. Those little actions can deform the palate and, over time, lead to crooked teeth.

The alignment of crooked teeth is closely tied to the size and positioning of the jaw. When your jaws are well-proportioned and aligned, they give your teeth enough room to grow properly, avoiding any overcrowding issues. 

Conversely, if our jaws are on the smaller side, there might not be enough space for our teeth to grow in their right places, causing them to become crooked and misaligned. According to John Mew’s lecture, this problem can potentially stem from a diet filled with too many soft, processed foods that don't really challenge your teeth and jaws during chewing.

So, what to be mindful of while mewing?

It’s important that you avoid the worst mewing mistakes that will damage your teeth and give rise to jaw issues. Practice proper tongue posture, proper breathing technique, body posture, and teeth position with persistence and there’s no way you won’t achieve your desired results. 

Mewing Before and After Teeth Transformations:

Here are some of the photographic anecdotes that reflect the marvelous mewing before and after teeth transformations. 

Mewing before and after teeth photos
Mewing before and after: teeth photos

Mewing before and after teeth
Mewing before and after: teeth 

Mewing before and after: teeth
Mewing before and after: teeth

Mewing before and after: teeth
Mewing before and after: teeth transformation 

The benefits of mewing extend beyond just teeth alignment, and you can find ample evidence on various platforms such as Quora or Reddit to see the real results that mewing delivers. The positive outcomes it promises have been documented and shared by many individuals who have tried and experienced mewing themselves.

Now that you’re clear on whether mewing straightens teeth or not, let’s move forward to how you should position your teeth while mewing. 

The more proper your mewing teeth position is, the greater the potential for maximizing the benefits of mewing for your teeth. 

By ensuring proper and consistent mewing techniques, you can enhance the positive impact it has on your dental alignment and overall oral health.

Correct Mewing Teeth Position

Correct mewing teeth position 

You may already be aware that mewing involves adopting proper tongue posture and utilizing nasal breathing techniques to enhance your facial structure, define your jawline, and accentuate your cheekbones. That's essentially the gist of what you might already know about mewing.

So, how should you be positioning your teeth while mewing?

Correct teeth position holds a pivotal role in shaping your face and contributing to its aesthetic appearance. 

While you perfect your tongue placement practice, it is also important to prioritize proper teeth alignment when striving to master the mewing technique

What is the Correct Mewing Teeth Position?

The correct mewing teeth position involves placing the entire tongue against the roof of the mouth, specifically the maxilla. The teeth should be kept in a resting position, with the back of the tongue supporting the upper molars. It is essential to avoid any contact between the teeth to promote proper oral posture and potentially improve facial bone structure over time.

Should Your Teeth Touch When Mewing?

No, your teeth should NOT touch when you’re mewing. 

Instead, they should be in a relaxed position.

Here's a surprising fact: your teeth are not meant to touch while at rest, or at any other time, for that matter.

During chewing, your teeth come together to bite through food, but they should never make contact with each other when at rest. In a relaxed state, your mouth remains closed, with a slight gap between your teeth.

It’s ideal that you keep your teeth in a correct rest position during mewing. Here is the correct teeth resting position. 

What is the Correct Teeth Resting Position?

Your teeth resting position mainly depends upon how your jaw is positioned. 

In the natural resting position of your mouth, where your jaw is relaxed and your mouth is closed, your teeth should also be in a resting state without touching or clenching together. Make sure to maintain a freeway space between the top and bottom teeth. This gap represents the natural and ideal resting position of your teeth.

To see if you’re positioning your teeth properly while resting, be mindful of:

  • Holding your mouth closed and your lips sealed (not clenched) and maintain a relaxed state
  • Placing your tongue behind the upper teeth without making contact
  • Maintaining a gap of approximately 2 to 4 mm between your teeth

Now, let’s get into the details.

Everything you need for mewing in one app:

1. Learn the correct technique

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How Can You Align Your Teeth in the Right Resting Position?

Here is how to achieve the correct resting position for your teeth alignment:

  1. Gently close your lips together, without any forced or clenched sensation.
  2. Position your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth, just behind the front teeth, while ensuring it does not make contact with them.
  3. Maintain a slight gap between your teeth, neither clenched nor ground together.

By aligning your teeth in this manner, you can also enjoy a perfect bite, which involves three key areas:

  • The front: When your teeth are clenched, the front teeth from the top and bottom should rest against each other.
  • The side: When viewed from the side, your teeth should fit together, allowing them to interlock effortlessly. The top teeth should align with the outside of the bottom teeth.
  • The arch: When your mouth is open, the top and bottom teeth should align closely with no spacing between them.

Why Your Teeth Should NOT Touch When Mewing?

Maintaining a natural gap between the teeth, regardless of age or face shape, is crucial for proper oral posture. When practicing mewing, it is beyond important to NOT let your upper and lower teeth touch or make contact at all.

To truly achieve the results you're aiming for, make sure you're performing the mewing technique correctly. 

The mewing exercises for the jawline will guide you in developing a deep understanding of how the organs in your mouth should naturally align, helping you bring harmony to your jaw bones, teeth, and overall facial symmetry.

What you must be mindful of, is gradually making mewing your 24/7 habit. 

If you ever find yourself unsure about whether you're practicing the technique properly, consider downloading our Mewing App

With regular mewing reminders, a feature to track your results, detailed tutorials, and more, Mewing App can serve as a helpful companion on your journey towards mastering the art of mewing.

Quick Checklist to Practice the Correct Mewing Teeth Position

Before you bounce back from here, go through a quick checklist for how to practice the correct mewing teeth position.

  1. Seal your lips lightly while leaving no gaps between teeth, all while avoiding mouth breathing
  2. Let your mouth loose and relax without biting too hard. Your teeth shouldn’t touch. 
  3. Make sure your lower teeth rest behind your upper teeth. Don’t let your upper and lower teeth directly close onto each other. 
  4. Let your upper and lower molar teeth (the teeth at the back) can be in slight contact in the resting state 
  5. Now, finally comes the mewing tongue posture. Make sure to know the importance of proper tongue posture while mewing. 

FAQs – Can Mewing Straighten Teeth

Can Mewing Fix Your Teeth?

There is no study that suggests mewing directly fixes your teeth. Though you can still practice proper mewing tongue and teeth posture to have a brighter and more-aligned smile. 

Can Mewing Cause Teeth Pain or TMJ Issues?

As long as you practice proper mewing teeth position – not exerting too much pressure and grinding your upper and lower teeth, mewing doesn’t cause teeth pain or TMJ issues. 

Does Mewing Change or Affect Your Teeth?

Mewing has the potential to affect teeth alignment and dental health as it involves tongue posture against the maxilla, which could influence jaw positioning and oral posture over time.

Does Mewing Push Your Teeth Forward? 

If the tip of your tongue is constantly touching your teeth, and you’re exerting extra force there, the stress produced can protrude your teeth forward. The key is to keep your teeth in proper rest position while mewing. 

Is it Risky to Let Your Teeth Touch when Mewing?

Yes, it is. If you allow your teeth to touch even when your mouth is closed, you're adding unnecessary pressure to your jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. This can lead to long-term damage to your teeth, gum, and jaw health.

Is it Okay if My Top Teeth Overlap the Bottom Teeth While Mewing?

A slight overlap is fine, but make sure your teeth aren’t touching. 

In the ideal mewing teeth position, there should be a slight overlap of a few millimeters with the upper teeth, while a significant portion of the lower teeth remains visible.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
July 25, 2023