Pointy Chin: How to Get a Pointy Chin and Jaw

Discover the ultimate guide to achieving a pointy chin and jawline. Explore proven techniques, exercises, and expert tips to sculpt your chin, enhance your facial profile, and unlock a more confident and defined appearance.
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Pointy Chin: How to Get a Pointy Chin & Jaw
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The chin takes center stage in the realm of facial aesthetics as it stands out as a prominent feature of your face.

A well-shaped and proportionate chin can significantly contribute to the overall balance and harmony of one’s face, enhancing the jawline and creating a more youthful and attractive appearance.

Chin shape, as even a slight variation can have a major impact on one’s facial appeal. However, it is important to note that there is no “perfect chin” as beauty standards can vary across cultures and individuals have their own preferences, but some generalizations can be made about which chin shapes are considered attractive.

Overly pointy chins can detract from facial features, creating the appearance of an asymmetrical and unbalanced face. 

What exactly is a Pointy chin?

A pointy chin refers to the condition in which the chin appears to be more tamped than usual i.e. it is pointy.

In this article, you will learn about

  • What causes a pointy chin?
  • How to make your chin less or more pointy through natural ways?
  • How to fix a pointy chin through surgeries?

Keep on reading to learn more.

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What causes a pointy chin?

A pointy chin can be caused by many reasons, including medical conditions and genetics.

Various studies have concluded that physical features such as height, eye color, hair color, shape of bones, and so on are predominantly influenced by one’s genes. Similarly, the shape of your chin is also largely determined by your genetic makeup. If you have a pointy chin you likely inherited it from your parents.

Women with a pointy chin
         Women with a pointy chin


Sagging of skin under the chin which is common in elderly people is also another common reason for the prominent appearance of a witch’s chin.

It is important to note that if you have a pointy chin, it is not your fault, as you have no control over your genes or medical issues. However, there are some methods that you can use to reduce its appearance.

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How to fix a overly pointy chin

While having a overly pointy chin may not affect your physical health, it can certainly impact your self-esteem and make you feel less confident and self-conscious. It is natural to address any feature that affects your confidence and sense of well-being. Here are some surgical/invasive methods that can help you get rid of a pointy chin.


Genioplasty is an invasive procedure that is used to shave/cut away the chin bone to reduce its pointy appearance.

Before the procedure, an X-ray assessment is done to closely examine the chin bone. You will be given general anesthesia before the surgery. An incision will be made either beneath your chin or inside your mouth. 

Your surgeon will then use a surgical saw or some other special tools to cut away parts of your chin bone to get it into shape. 

After the procedure is done, if the incision is in your mouth, the surgeon will close it with dissolvable stitches ( that will dissolve in a few days or weeks ). He/She will give you some instructions to follow and you may need to stay in the hospital for a day.

Chin augmentation

Chin augmentation, also known as mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the appearance of a pointy or weak chin by adding an implant. 

During this procedure, the patient is given an anesthetic and an incision is made either inside the mouth or beneath the chin ( to avoid visible scarring ). An implant ( which is usually made from silicone ) is then inserted in from the incision and positioned in front of the jawbone. Once it has been successfully placed, the implant is secured with sutures to keep it stable.

This procedure usually takes 40-60 minutes and the patient can go home the same day.

It is important to keep in mind that all surgical procedures carry some degree of risk. Like with chin augmentation, there is a risk of chin implant displacement, bleeding, and infection. Similarly, risks of genioplasty include nerve and bone damage, swelling, and infection.

It is important to discuss these potential risks with your surgeon and then carefully consider the option you wanna go with

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Non-invasive methods


Mewing is one of those natural techniques that offer numerous benefits with minimal risk of side effects.

Mewing consistently can strengthen your tongue muscles, which can help pull the sagging upwards creating a defined and attractive jawline. 

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Dermal Fillers:

Volume loss in our face can also make a pointy chin more prominent. Volume loss can be caused by many reasons including aging and loss of proteins such as collagen.

Dermal fillers are a non-surgical method of adding volume to the chin by injecting a mixture of substances including hyaluronic acid ( HA ), sugars, and collagen into the chin.

While these fillers can help create a more balanced chin look, they are not a permanent solution and typically last from 6 to 18 months.


If you have a slightly pointy chin, it is not necessary to seek treatment as it may not have a significant impact on your appearance. However, if it is noticeably prominent and you are concerned about its effects on your facial appeal, then you may consider treatment.

If the underlying cause of your pointy chin is related to the shape of your chin bone, then you can consider surgical treatments like genioplasty as they are the most effective.

However, if it is caused by sagging of skin or other factors that can be improved without the need for surgery, then it is recommended to treat it naturally.

You should always consult with a professional before making any decision about treatment as he/she can better evaluate your situation and prescribe you the most effective treatment accordingly.

The information provided in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional guidance. Mewing and other techniques mentioned on this website may not be suitable for everyone, and individual results may vary. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as an orthodontist, dentist, or myofunctional therapist, before starting any new oral or facial exercises, particularly if you have existing dental, orthodontic, or health concerns.
Written by
Yury Nebyshynets
May 17, 2023